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Angel Tree Camping

Angel Tree Camping® makes camp possible for children of incarcerated parents by providing scholarships and partnering with churches and camps nationwide.

Hope in the great outdoors

A camp experience can change a child’s life forever. Angel Tree camping is a chance for children of incarcerated parents to get away from their daily challenges and have fun in the great outdoors, making new friends and meeting caring adult counselors. At camp, children encounter the love of Jesus and discover hope for the future. 


Prison Angel Tree partners with Christian camps across the U.S. by providing scholarships so that your child(ren) can attend a camp at little to no cost. Our well-established camping partners look forward to giving your children an unforgettable time at camp!

scholarship eligibility

To be eligible for a scholarship, your child(ren) must be between the ages of  5-18 and have an incarcerated parent or stepparent.


100% Scholarship

For a 100% scholarship, your child(ren) must have participated in Angel Tree® Christmas (camps will have a list of names of children who participated).


At registration, a $50 deposit will be required. The deposit will be refunded once Camp Mohaven receives payment from Angel Tree (the deposit for a

no-show will not be refunded).


50% Scholarship

Children of incarcerated parents who did NOT participate in Angel Tree Christmas will receive a 50% scholarship from Angel Tree for Camp Mohaven. The family will be responsible for the remaining 50%.


At registration, a $50 NON-refundable deposit will be required. The family will thereafter be responsible for the remaining balance of $100 for a total payment of $150. Angel Tree will be responsible for the remaining registration balance.



Please do not select the Friendship Program
*Only Angel Tree families on our list will be approved
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